Category: Odds and Ends

  • Cooking up something flavorful

    Building a magic deck is kind of similar to opening a restaurant. Being both a foodie and a commander connoseiur, I thought it would be fun to build a theme deck around two of my favorite passions. My first step was in finding the right executive chef to run my kitchen.  [card]Vorinclex, Voice of Hunger[/card]…

  • Fighting ramp while still being fun

    Lets face it, land ramping is one of the most dominant and easy strategies in Commander. It is very easy to do, and most of the cards themselves are pretty inexpensive ([card]Kodama’s reach[/card], [card]Cultivate[/card], [card]Explosive Vegetation[/card], [card]Reap and Sow[/card], etc.). The most expensive ramping card is big [card]Primeval Titan[/card] aka Prime-time aka P-tits, and for…

  • Door to Nothingness Indeed

    Hello internet! Sorry we have been away for so long, but with summer here and more time on our hands, lets get to some good old commander fun. Today I’ll be discussing the card that was previewed today for the this summer’s core set M13: Door of Nothingness   This card has been around for…

  • I’m awful at Blogging!

    Hello loyal readers, I’m clearly not the best at updating blogs and stuff in a timely fashion (I swear I’ll post more soon), for that reason, along with a few others, I finally got around to making a magic-related email address. You can now contact me at for any Commander/EDH or other magic related…

  • Commander Cube First Pick #6

    Which card do you first pick and why?  Assume that your group has decided to draft your generals at the end instead of at the beginning.  How would that pick change if you had drafted a certain general beforehand, instead? [card]Battlegrace Angel[/card] [card]Trusted Advisor[/card] [card]Night’s Whisper[/card] [card]Rorix Bladewing[/card] [card]Arashi, the Sky Asunder [/card] [card]Hull Breach[/card]…

  • One-Drop EDH

    This is not the most serious deck I’ve ever made.  This is a tribute to the most serious deck I’ve ever made.

  • CommanderCast 4-color commander contest.

    CommanderCast 4-color commander contest.

    In yesterday’s commander cast, Andy announced a new contest! Here’s a link to the rules. In short, he asked for a full cycle of 4-Color Commanders. Here’s what I’ve come up with so far. I wanted to share with everyone to inspire other people to make some awesome Commanders because there aren’t any 4-color ones…

  • Cha-Cha-Cha-Changes

    You may have heard the podcast on Commander Cast that came out this Monday, and I thought that I should give you all an update. Since they were nice enough to give us (and my cube) an awesome shout out, I figured I should give you all an update on what has changed in my…

  • Commander Cube First Pick #5

    Which card do you first pick and why?  Assume that your group has decided to draft your generals at the end instead of at the beginning.  How would that pick change if you had drafted a certain general beforehand, instead? [card]Battle Mastery[/card] [card]Teferi, Mage of Zhalfir[/card] [card]Beacon of Unrest[/card] [card]Hoarding Dragon[/card] [card]Seedborn Muse[/card] [card]Cavern Harpy[/card]…

  • Too Fun to Wait: The Maelstrom Wanderer’s Suicide Squad

    Eagle-eyed adherents of Daily MTG might have spotted this gem back in November, but for the most part it’s fallen under most players’ radar. It’s the Maelstrom Wanderer, a new commander that’s going to be released this summer along with a new edition of Planechase. It reads like an EDH player’s wishlist: 7 power for…